Ozone Water Treatment Industries

With over 30 years experience in ozone water treatment systems, Fin-Tek has the knowledge and experience to  solve your water treatment needs. 

Municipal Utilities

Drinking Water Plants

Wastewater treatment plants use Fin-Tek ozone treatment services and ozone treatment programs to improve oxidation of organic solvents, phenolic compounds, sulfides, mercaptan, odors, and heavy metals. Ozone application in WTP processes are complex. If the ozone application is not correct, the entire process is inefficient. Fin-Tek provides process experience which improves the overall efficiency of the plant operations by improving ozone application. Our services help clients reduce reportable disinfection byproducts (DBPs).

Wastewater Treatment Plants

Wastewater treatment plant managers also find that Fin-Tek service programs are effective at increasing the efficiency of sand filters, carbon filters, stripping columns, and clarifiers.

Brine Applications

Fin-Tek has developed a patent-pending ozone treatment process for food plants using brine for product processing. The treatment systems reduce bacteria counts in the brine to extremely low levels. The specially designed mixing system improves clarity by separating fly ash, fats, and other impurities from the brine. The system provides an effective means of controlling bacteria, yeast, and mold – and without the taste, quality, and health problems associated with chlorine.

Aquariums and Zoos

Fin-Tek achieves the goal of a reliable ozone system for each one of its aquarium and zoo customers through a range of maintenance programs, systems upgrades, and engineering. Fin-Tek routinely shows its aquarium and zoo customers how to better apply their ozone. Improved ozone application ensures healthier aquatic animals and a better experience for zoo and aquarium patrons.

Industrial Process Water

Fin-Tek installs ozone treatment systems to oxidize organic solvents, phenolic compounds, sulfides, mercaptan, odors, and heavy metals. Fin-Tek also uses ozone to increase the efficiency of sand filters, carbon filters, stripping columns, and clarifiers.

Ultra Pure Water

In the semiconductor, pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries water purity  is essential to ensuring the quality of the final product produced.  Fin-Tek has over 30 years experience in this industry with among the largest ozone generators in the world installed and service  in China and Taiwan.  

Odor Abatement

Without the use of chemicals or harmful byproducts, ozone is used to effectively reduce and control odor.  Fin-Tek has decades of experience in the installation, optimization and maintenance of ozone generating systems used in odor abatement.   Our cost effective and environmentally friendly ozone systems have been used for odor abatement in the waste water industries throughout the USA to improve air quality, odor and the overall environment.

At Fin-Tek our mission is to reliably provide environmentally responsible water treatment solutions to our customers at a fair rate.

It is our desire that relationships that we create with our customers will not end after we render our services but continue on for many years in a manner that is both profitable to us and our clients.

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